Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Input Day 2

+ + + TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2010

Day 13, input day number two ...

Schedule for Day 13

9 AM - All gather at the Barr’d Islands Church
Coffee and refreshments

10 AM - Prep for presentations

12 PM - Lunch at Nicole's Cafe

1 PM - Lecture Jerry Dick

2 PM - Lecture Joseph Grima

3 PM - Participants in the workshop present their findings and ideas followed by group discussion

6 PM - Dinner at Nicole's Cafe

Today we welcome two new lecturers to our workshop: Jerry Dick, Director of Heritage at the NL Department of Tourism, Culture and Recreation and Joseph Grima(left), director of Storefront for Art & Architecture in New York City and member of the Arts Corporation's Advisory Board. After lunch we arrive at the church to hear lectures from both Jerry and Joseph. The participants take a quick opportunity to fine tune their materials to be presented at 3 PM, and once everyone is settled away the lectures begin. Once again the public has come out to take part in the lectures and sample some more findings from the participants; some of which they have a had a strong hand in helping create.

After the lectures the participants set up their computers and pieces for the presentation. Today most of the work can be accessed directly by walking into the model room space where beds, storage spaces, work areas and wall textures have been built.

On the outside walls of the room (those facing the public space of the workshop) the participants have posted lots of drawings, textures, experiments, paintings and colours. After the Keynote presentations are over the public is encouraged to explore the room and all of the new findings and materials. Great progress has been made in just three days and with another two days to go before the final presentation we should see some wonderful results.

+ + + Greg White

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